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Ornate Nile Monitor


Linnean Classification: Eukarya, Animalia, Chordata, Reptilia, Squamata, Varanidae, Varanus, Varanus ornatus

Conformer: The Ornate Nile Monitor is a conformer, as they are reptiles, or cold-blooded organisms in which their body temperatures adapts to that of the environment.

Dormancy: The Ornate Nile Monitor Goes into a long hibernation from about September to April. These hibernation cycles are important to this species as this is when they grow the most, and become sexually mature.

Generalist: The Ornate Nile Monitor is a generalist as they are extremely versatile animals that adapt well into different environments

Consumer: It is a consumer, as it cannot produce it’s own food but must consume other organisms to get the nutrients and energy its needs.

Carnivore: The Ornate Nile Monitor is a carnivore as their diet consists mainly of rodents, snakes, or even other lizards.

Niche: The Ornate Nile Monitor are fouond along the banks of water in lowland rainforests. They are found in Africa and Asia, and live mainly in the jungle area of these two continents, close to water. They are carnivores that has a diet that consists of snakes, insects, rodents, and other lizards, while their natural predators includes larger snakes, and wildcats. 

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