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Dwarf African Clawed Frog


Linnean classification: Eukarya, Animalia, Chordata, Amphibia, Anura, Pipidae, Xenopus laevis

Conformer: The Dwarf African Clawed Frog is a conformer, as they are cold-blooded organisms as their body temperatures adapts to that of the environment.

Migration: The Dwarf African Clawed Frog leaves their habitat in order to migrate

Generalist: The Dwarf African Clawed Frog is found in the African Rift Valley south of the Sahara in east and southern Africa. They are also found in South Africa and Namibia and Angola in western Africa. Recently they have been found in freshwater areas all over the world as a pest species. They live in a variety of habitats, including wetlands, ponds, and lakes.

Consumer: It is a consumer, as it cannot produce it’s own food but must consume other organisms to get the nutrients and energy its needs.

Carnivore: The Dwarf African Clawed Frog is a carnivore as their diet consists mostly of small fish, insects, and spiders.

Niche: The Dwarf African Clawed Frog is found in shady and stagnant waters in eastern and southern Africa. They are found in creeks, wetlands, ponds, lakes, and freshwater. Their diet consists of small fish along with insects. Their natural predators include snakes, birds, and small mammals. 

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