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Andean Condor


Linnean Classification: Eukarya, Animalia, Chordata, Aves, Ciconiiformes, Cathartidae, Vulture, Vulture gryphus

Regulator: The Andean Condors are Regulators because as mammals, they are warm-blooded organisms with the ability to regulate and maintain a relatively stable and constant internal environment and temperature (homeostasis), even with the variability of external environments.

Migration: The Andean Condor migrates during the winter months

Generalists: It can be found from Colombia and northwestern Venezuela, all the way south to Tierra del Fuego.

Consumer: It is a consumer, as it cannot produce it’s own food but must consume other organisms to get the nutrients and energy its needs.

Carrion Eaters (Carnivore/Detritivore): Eats animals that are already dead. However, there are reports that the Andean Condor eats newborn cows and goats

Niche: They live in the Andes Mountain Range along the Pacific coast region of western South America. Also can be found from Colombia and northwestern Venezuela. Despite some reports, they are known to eat dead animals such as dead deer, cow, and sheep. The Andean Condor has no natural predators.


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